We forward
100% of donations to
the projects.
100% of donations to
the projects.
Our projects
break free of
aid dependency.
break free of
aid dependency.
Thank you
At the core of our website are a number of marvelous free and open source software modules. This page is to thank those projects.
- Django, our web framework
- Gunicorn, our webserver (in conjunction with Nginx)
- South, for schema migrations
- Datatrans, for model translations
- Compressor, for static asset management
- Our paymant app for (gift) wrapping the API
- Photologue for photos and galleries
- Filer for all other dynamic media
Thanks also to Python, PostgreSQL, jQuery, ColorBox, Andrés Antonio, the ponies at FranTech, Ubuntu, Felix Krull, Vim, Collectd, the Berliner Kaffeerösterei, and Binary Canary. For lots of motivation, yet more thanks to Democracy Now! and David Rovics.
It’s a pity but only probable that we forgot a number of great projects whose fruits we reap. If you know one, please send us a tweet or an email, so we can amend the list.