We forward
100% of donations to
the projects.
100% of donations to
the projects.
Our projects
break free of
aid dependency.
break free of
aid dependency.

Benjamin Rogmans
Benjamin Rogmans is founding member. Though it may not be obvious, his support has a surprisingly strong influence in the background. His constructive criticism is always valued.

Lisa Wiese
Lisa Wiese realized her vision of Your Siblings in 2010, but at that point she had been honing the concept for over a year. She continues to head the organization as our first chair.
John Barutwanayo
Function at Your Siblings:
Project manager
John Barutwanayo is project manager of the project Green Village in Gitega, Burundi, Africa.
Michael Williams
Function at Your Siblings:
Project manager
Michael Williams is project manager of the Widows and Orphans Project in Arusha, Tansania, Africa.
Martina Altenähr
Function at Your Siblings:
With Your Siblings since:
Sept. 26, 2010
Martina Altenähr is founding member and supports us with her medical know-how in planning the clinic in Uganda. She also plays the piano beautifully.

Arash Alawi
Arash Alawi is founding member and spreads the vision of Your Siblings among his fellow medicine students.

Seneca Ryan
Seneca Ryan professionally corrects Johann’s English translations. Her support in all things translational has long become essential.

Kondja Conrad
Kondja Conrad—you just know him. He is founding member and fills our social networking groups. Soon he’ll build gigantic Your Siblings solar plants everywhere.

Medina Amalia
Medina Amalia has, among other things, conducted for us a professional market analysis on the willingness of Germans to donate.

Michael Hodel
Function at Your Siblings:
Concept developer
With Your Siblings since:
Oct. 15, 2010
Michael Hodel is responsible for the conception of this website. His creativity has been central to its successful realization.

Can Altunel
Can Altunel has started e.g., a birthday campaign on Betterplace.org which yielded €647 in donations for the clinic in Uganda.
Deeds, not words! Thank you.

Katrin Wiese
Katrin Wiese has rendered us great assistance. She has always been a part of Your Siblings.

Laura Fuhrmann
Laura Fuhrmann uses her unique network to contribute materials that Mawanda is going to need once the clinic has been built.
Khyra Nicoley
With Your Siblings since:
Dec. 1, 2010
Khyra Nicoley spontaneously designs flyers for us and very subtly promotes Your Siblings wherever she goes.

Jörg Barth
Function at Your Siblings:
Online marketer
Jörg Barth, a founding member, is a source of knowledge about online marketing for us.

Paul Jacob Hoepner
Function at Your Siblings:
Concept developer
With Your Siblings since:
Sept. 1, 2010
Paul Jacob Hoepner is concept developer for Your Siblings. He’s studying Human Factors at the TU Berlin. He had a clear vision, right from the start, of what Your Siblings was going to be and has realized it beautifully in his concepts.

Johann Volquardsen
Function at Your Siblings:
Translator and more
With Your Siblings since:
March 1, 2009
Johann Volquardsen translates to English for us and supports us in any and every way he can.

Anne Konopka
Function at Your Siblings:
Management consultant
With Your Siblings since:
Sept. 26, 2010
Anne Konopka is founding member and management consultant. She has supported us in creating our business plan and continues to contribute her expertise.
Hanna Bischoff
Hanna Bischoff is an Element of Generosity to us. Out of the blue, she enabled us to produce one hundred You Siblings Apfeltüten (special Your-Siblings-branded MacBook cases). Thank you.

Claus Ast
Function at Your Siblings:
Illustrator and screen designer
With Your Siblings since:
Jan. 15, 2011
The heart of our website, it beats! Many thanks to our illustrator, Claus Ast, who lovingly designed our Siblings. They brought new life to our website.

Christian Thormann
Christian Thormann, responsible for the design of this website, attended to the task patiently and professionally, and we are delighted with the result.

Christian Weitzberg
Christian Weitzberg, the best attorney you could wish for. He’s been with us from day one and has counseled us reliably and competently ever since. We’ll never give him back!

Hendrik Kaiser
Function at Your Siblings:
Project manager
With Your Siblings since:
Sept. 26, 2010
Hendrik Kaiser is a founding member and supports us as project manager for the development of this website.

Emree Kavás
Emree Kavás is a voice talent and our expert for professional studio recordings. Thank you.

Sedat Tastan
Sedat Tastan has shared his fantastic home with Lisa before an after her first Africa trip.

Udo Schöbel
Function at Your Siblings:
Singer, songwriter, entertainer, graphic designer
Udo Schöbel has designed our marvelous logo, spontaneously and free of charge.

Lars Erichsen
Yolanda Pereira Laiz and Lars Erichsen are two grand-scale supporters. For a long time they have silently, almost surreptitiously, enriched Your Siblings in a variety of ways. We hope that this will never change.

Anna-Sofia Popow
Anna-Sofia Popow puts her charm in the service of Your Siblings. We are happy to have her on board and are looking forward to anything she has planned for us.

Micheal Lucény Condé
Always charming and loyal and at our side. We can count on his support.

Claudia Neumann
Claudia Neumann fills our social networking groups. She’s always engaged, with wit and charm.

Lisa Achillius
Function at Your Siblings:
With Your Siblings since:
Sept. 26, 2010
Lisa Achillius is our red-penned fairy. If there is an error, she’s going to find it. All content on the website profits from her watchful eye.

End of the Weak
With their concert Mach was (Do something), End of the Weak has generated a seizable donation for Your Siblings. Special thanks to Burkhard Nutsch a.k.a. Borke. Hip-hop connects. Hip-hop helps. Helps your brothers and sisters.

The Hans Böckler Foundation has given a most generous donation of 1315 Euro to the home for street children in Burundi. Thanks so much! It is an honor for us to cooperate with the Hans Böckler Foundation.

Voyage Aides
Many thanks to everyone who has helped Lisa on her travels though Africa: Michael Williams and family, Alrazi Suliman, Tayeb Omer, Mujahed Elsheikh, Osman Hassan, Zekaria Ali, Seid, Bizuayehu Geremew, Abdi M Hayd Al-aslamy, Adbirahman Jua, and Hassan Sheikh Mohamed.

The Hans Böckler Foundation has given a most generous donation of 1315 Euro to the home for street children in Burundi. Thanks so much! It is an honor for us to cooperate with the Hans Böckler Foundation.

HWR Gründungszentrum
The HWR Business Incubator provides ideal conditions for Your Siblings to prepare for self-employment: An office, contact to other start-ups, coaching, and a lot of know-how. Our personal contact person is Lars Hansen. Many Thanks.