- The pre-Christmas campaign continues to grow. You can still donate. If not there, then perhaps for the Christmas Campaign? There’s still room for donations! Many thanks to all donors. Here the video about the campaign. What will you pack?
- We’d love to write down all our thoughts about the play The real fucking Benefiz – A starving person is killed, but that would go beyond the scope of this newsletter. There was not a dry eye left; the audience was captivated and moved. Thank you, Spinnwerk! Here, again, the trailer. You’ll soon be informed how much money has come in. Huge props to Baris and Christian and the rest of the crew. Thank you.
- Our prominent support for our soap bubbles project is Johnny Strange of Culcha Candela. (You remember Rise and Shine?) He’s packed 10 kg (22 lbs) of soap bubbles and Lisa will take the rest. On top of that, Lisa has obtained even more interesting equipment. Wait and see.
- Finally: The land for the street children project in Burundi can be bought! We have about €3000 for that. The purchase will be documented in a few weeks, and then the fundraising for the building can begin.
- Please be so good and click the like button of our new, still inchoate, fan page on Facebook. It’s going to take shape real soon. Thanks!
- A very dear acquaintance has sewn clothing for Somalia. Many thanks to Haifa!
- Oh, and: Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

We forward
100% of donations to
the projects.
100% of donations to
the projects.
Our projects
break free of
aid dependency.
break free of
aid dependency.