We forward
100% of donations to
the projects.
Our projects
break free of
aid dependency.

Tax Exemption, General Meeting, and Annual Accounts

A few rather bureaucratic events have reached fruition throughout the past months. I’ll summarize them here, but unfortunately the documents themselves are all in German.

  1. The tax office has renewed our status as registered charity. This renewed notice is valid through 2017.
  2. We’ve held our annual general meeting, which again consisted of three parts. First, each of us gave an overview of our activities throughout 2013, then we discussed our plans for 2014, and finally the actions of the board where ratified by unanimous vote. The spoilers regarding our plans for 2014 are minimal, so feel free to read the protocol.
  3. Our tax consultants said that it is uncommon for entities to publish their accounting data but that there are no data privacy concerns since none of the individual donations are listed. Hence, feel equally free to have a look at our annual accounting for 2012.
