100% of donations to
the projects.
break free of
aid dependency.
Child Need Africa: Sango Bay Refugee Camp
Child Need Africa has been visiting the Sango Bay refugee camp regularly over the past months. Doctor Mawanda John Bosco: “Life of the people at Sango Bay refugee camp is in bad condition. Over 1,000 people have been displaced from Tanzania to Uganda. … Hygiene at the camp is so bad. Today 150 people were diagnosed with malaria and treated, 20 people had bloody diarrhea, and there is water flooded in the area around their tents so mosquitoes thrive. There is no health center at the camp. Yesterday one man passed away because of bloody diarrhea. Without intervention, more people will lose their lives. Today Child Need Africa went and treated so many people with malaria, chest infection, bloody diarrhea. The need for medication is still so high yet we can’t stretch anymore. Your support for these people is highly appreciated.”

Clinic in Uganda 2013-10-27
Up-to-date photos from the clinic.

Clinic in Uganda 2013-03-02
Ben’s photos from his visit to the clinic.
Clinic in Uganda 2013-09-10
The clinic is running well, and here are a few first photos.

Clinic in Uganda 2012-01-10
Photos from our second visit to the project.

Clinic in Uganda 2011-10-19
The building is structurally complete.
Clinic in Uganda 2011-09-07

Clinic in Uganda 2011-05-03
Photos from our first visit to the project.