We forward
100% of donations to
the projects.
100% of donations to
the projects.
Our projects
break free of
aid dependency.
break free of
aid dependency.
Fulfilled needs

€1800 of €1800 funded
10 kg nails of 12 cm
€20 of €20 funded
Two truckloads of clay
€20 of €20 funded
400 laths
€50 of €50 funded
€100 of €100 funded
Four agricultural implements
€10 of €10 funded
8 kg nails of 4 cm
€20 of €20 funded
Twelve steel reinforcement bars
€120 of €120 funded
Ninety planks
€200 of €200 funded
10 kg nails of 7 cm
€20 of €20 funded
€20 of €20 funded
80m times 100m land for the home of the streetchildren.
€3000 of €3000 funded
Ten rabbits
€30 of €30 funded
€40 of €40 funded
€50 of €50 funded
€50 of €50 funded
€50 of €50 funded
Ten ducks
€50 of €50 funded
€50 of €50 funded
Sixteen seals
€60 of €60 funded
Construction of a pond
€60 of €60 funded
Cement admixture
€80 of €80 funded
45 kg nails of 8 cm
€90 of €90 funded
Painting accessories
€100 of €100 funded
Two pushcarts
€100 of €100 funded
€100 of €100 funded
Fifty chicks
€100 of €100 funded
200 young turkeys
€100 of €100 funded
Six truckloads of sand
€250 of €250 funded
36 kg clout nails
€120 of €120 funded
Three tarpaulins
€120 of €120 funded
Three truckloads of special sand
€150 of €150 funded
Six windows
€150 of €150 funded
€150 of €150 funded
Water-based paint
€150 of €150 funded
Dining room equipment
€200 of €200 funded
€200 of €200 funded
Phyto-sanitary products
€200 of €200 funded
Thirty pieces of roofing paper
€250 of €250 funded
Fifteen truckloads of rubble stones
€600 of €600 funded
Living room equipment
€300 of €300 funded
Printing ink
€300 of €300 funded
Exterior/wall paint
€300 of €300 funded
€300 of €300 funded
Eight doors
€350 of €350 funded
Fabric paint
€400 of €400 funded
Ten sheep
€470 of €470 funded
Kitchen materials
€500 of €500 funded
Pipes for water supply
€500 of €500 funded
310 poles
€620 of €620 funded
250 beams
€1000 of €1000 funded
Sixty sacks of cement
€1200 of €1200 funded
Salary for an engineer
€1500 of €1500 funded
Twenty goats
€1500 of €1500 funded
Rations for four months
€1500 of €1500 funded
Salary for two masons
€2000 of €2000 funded
140 sheet metals
€2800 of €2800 funded