We forward
100% of donations to
the projects.
Our projects
break free of
aid dependency.

Interview with Behind, Inside & Extravagant

The German magazine Behind, Inside & Extravagant has just published an interview with Lisa Wiese, the principal founder of Your Siblings.

The questions and answers touch on personal motivations for development aid, our perception of society, and the contrasts between life in industrialized and developing countries.

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Donation Cans

You have a favorite restaurant? You know the owner of a late-night market? You’re working at a driving school?

Wherever you think you might set up a donation can, just let us know and we’ll send you one of our spiffy cans. We’ll then agree with the owner on how the donations are to be transferred to the projects once the can is filled up. For the projects, each box is of great help.

Our contact page will tell you how you can reach us.

Thank you for your support!

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Flea market

We love your rummage – give it to us! ;)

For everybody who can give us a hand and donate their extra “pair of shoes”:


What? A flea market.

When? May 1, 2011. Your rummage is welcome on the same day as well.

Time? 7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Where? Berliner Mauerpark

Who? Your Siblings e. V.

Helping hands are very welcome. Please contact Lisa:
lisawiese88 at gmail dot com

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€22096 of €22096 funded

Rise & Shine – Afrika Ist Mehr

Samstag, 16.07.2011, 19 Uhr, AQUA Berlin, Lobeckstr. 30–35, 10969 Berlin – Make it a date!

Unter dem Motto »Rise & Shine - Afrika Ist Mehr« erwartet euch ein bunt gemischtes Programm. Verteilt auf 2 Floors gibt es Filme, Fotos & Infos zu unseren Projekten, Essen & Getränke, sowie natürlich eine geile Party mit großartigen Live-Acts.

Alle Erlöse fließen in die Projekte von Afrika Rise & Your Siblings!


Während draußen gechillt werden kann, erwarten euch indoor die folgenden Künstler:


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1 Euro Campaign

Even with the smallest amounts you can effect great change. As of the day I’m updating this post, we have only 46 followers on Twitter, but if each of them had donated just one euro per month to one of our projects, the aggregate amount could already buy all the bricks and timber needed to build the guest house of the Safe Project orphanage.

One euro is only slightly over one dollar. Not everyone can afford it, but if you can, please set up a subscription to donate one euro (or optionally more) per month to one of our projects.

Here are a few simple ways to do so.


Once more, Betterplace is a great help. Just go to the Your Siblings donation page, enter the amount, and select “monthly” instead of “once” before completing the donation.


If for some reason you cannot use Betterplace but you have a Flattr account, then you can set up a Flattr subscription for us. Just open the Flattr page of our website (or scroll to the bottom of this page), and after flattring us, select “Subscribe.”

Bank transfer

Finally, you can also, of course, set up an ordinary standing order ...

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€8674 of €8674 funded

Report: Another Hope, Uganda, January 2011

In January this year, I visited the orphanage Another Hope again. We had been in contact ever since I visited them last year. I wanted to make some videos and finish the concept of how Your Siblings could support Another Hope, considering our criteria. In the beginning we had the plan to expand the existing chicken farm, so they could make enough profit to cover the monthly costs of the orphanage.

After reflecting over the expansion, Ruth (the founder of Another Hope) realized that this plan was not going to work out. The farm had to be big enough to take care not only of school fees for the kids, but food for them and rent as well. This is a lot of money and the plan was not well thought out. A much better solution would be to build a house owned by Another Hope itself, to take off the biggest cost factor. A slightly smaller chicken farm would still take care of the basic needs. The property on which the farm was built and where the new house is going to be build already belongs to Another Hope. The detailed plan for this lasting project can be viewed ...

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€43843 of €43843 funded
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